On-Campus Dining
On-campus dining is managed by Sodexo. Visit their website for information about dining and café locations, menus, hours, meal plan account details, and more.
Sodexo Dining Options and MenusSodexo Meal Plan Options
Note: Pricing on these plans is subject to change.
Visit the cafeteria as often as you like and have $150 for use in our on-campus pub, cafe or cafeteria. All freshmen must choose this plan. Upper-classmen or commuters also may choose this plan.
Visit the cafeteria 15 times per week between Monday breakfast and Sunday dinner, and have $100 for use in the pub, cafe or cafeteria. All students except freshmen may choose this plan.
Visit the cafeteria for any meal you choose and deduct one meal from your balance each visit. Have $200 for use in the pub, cafe or cafeteria. Commuters and upper-classmen living in on-campus residences with full kitchen facilities may choose this plan.
CONTACT residential life
(603) 899-4176
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.